Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meet Brett Kopf: College Student | Jobsearch Brain

I met Brett Kopf today. On Twitter. Kopf is a senior at Michigan State and like many college students, he has a LinkedIn profile, a social network (that he created), and a blog.

What's different about Brett Kopf is that he's currently a Digital Media Intern @ MSU, and smart enough to have a Twitter account that he uses to connect with people like...me. No, not dorks, recruiters.

Brett piqued my interest so we exchanged a few tweets. I asked how he was approaching his job search in light of the recession and constant bad news about jobs for pending grads.

Brett's response: (reading from the bottom up)

That's good jobsearch advice - straight from the college student's mouth.

It's great to have a strong network. Brett and his peers certainly have a much stronger support network than most of us in our 40's. Brett, however, creatively sets himself apart by seeking out and connecting with the community of recruiters (generational diffs aside) currently engaged in the world of social media.

Smart move, Brett. We might have 20+ years of grey hair separating us, but we both certainly dig technology and know that tools like Twitter allow us to make connections with people (geography aside) that otherwise might be impossible.

My hat's off to Brett Kopf (jobsearchbrain). Reach out and connect with him on Twitter @BrettKopf while he's still in job-search mode.

I've got a hunch he's about to make a great hire post-MSU.


megan said...

Great post! Brett really understands how to really utilize Twitter, and the best part about that is how he gets other students involved in social media as well. I'm a friend of Brett's and with his insistence, I joined both LinkedIn and Twitter- both were a great choice!

Rachel said...


Great blog you have. I was just checking out other fellow Texan blogs.

I have a money saving/making blog.

Check it out and feel free to use or post whatever you like. Just let people know where you found it.

There are quite a few of free things and deals in the next few days.


Cha Ching Queen
Helping you... Save: Money and time ~ Make: Extra cash ~ Learn: Random stuff
New! Austin and Dallas sections

Rebeca said...

Brett Kopf, a senior graduating in December 2009 and self-described social media fanatic, explains how he used Twitter (and other digital tools) to help his friend land an internship. Oh, he landed one himself in the process, too.