Friday, May 24, 2013

Futurecasting: Dave Mendoza (the R.C. Sproul of Big Data - Social Data API & CRM)

Our great friend and talent strategy consultant Dave Mendoza, is gaining some big-time popularity the past few weeks with the recent publishing of his new report: "Futurecasting." Working with Futurestep to create this report, Mendoza discusses the high impact concept that could transform the business of recruiting. 

Ok, so Dave's no theologian, but he is writing the bible on Big Data, so you'll need to take this in small-chunks, re-reading to make sure you understand the implications of Social Data API and its impact on CRM (remember, huge quantities of data are only as good to your org as the info derived from the you know what it's saying?).

Here's the link to FUTURECASTING (how the the rise of Big Social Data is set to transform the business of recruiting).  And here's a link to Mendoza's blog, Six Degrees from Dave, so you can get more of where that came from.

While you're at it, IBM's got a nice take on the same topic: ANALYTICS: real-world use of Big Data - not as animated as Mendoza, but it's a deep study that's worth your while.

Enjoy the reads - and if you get a hankering for more big data juice, tool on over to Twitter and give El Dave a follow (you'll be the better for it):


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