Following Chief Jobster's breakfast and overview of the ever-changing face of Jobster (which, by the way, is very cool), we took a 75 minute ride on the roller-coaster named
Note to self:
Slip some cash to Manaster to find out the name of every recruiter whose post-conference evaluation says that Godin's presentation was irrelevant and boring. Make mental note to never hire that person on our team.
Godin reminded us,
"Ideas that Spread Win."
Which leaves us scratching our heads saying, "Why have we settled for mediocre efforts (stories) when our goal is not to reach the mediocre candidates - rather, the "amazing" candidates?"
Godin's prodding begs the question: as a job seeker, when is the last time you had an "amazing" experience with a company that was recruiting you? Really - they just blew you away and their story was so remarkable (worth remarking about), that you couldn't help but tell all of your "amazing" friends/peers/teammates.
I guess the thing that makes Purples Cows such an a·nom·a·ly to us, is that we just don't see enough of them. What is it that makes your firm compelling? What is so remarkable about your company - your recruiting team - your hiring efforts, that your top candidates are compelled to be your #1 recruiter?
We have our share of Holstein, Jersey, and Brahama recruiting organizations. Who is daring enough to step forward and grab the Purple Cow by the horns? The recruiting leaders whose hands are stained with purple, will be those who:
Sell what people are buying
Focus on the early adopters and sneezers
Make it remarkable enough for them to pay attention
Make it easy for them to spread
Let it work its own way to the mass market
Is it really possible for everybody to make the transition from Holstein to Purple? Well, I guess there's a reason we don't see too many Purple Cows, right? But, if that's all the argument it takes to keep you from trying, then I'm afraid you'll never be daring enough to don a pair of Godin-like socks?
Yes, that's Godin's shoe and the kind of sock that only a Purple Cow would wear. And long after the conference is over, I will remember Godin's socks, the funny look he gave when I asked him to pull up his pant leg, and the way he prodded us to:
Find a small group that cares
Give them something remarkable
Make it easy to tell their friends (the folks who don't care as much)
Here's to Purple Cows and Cattle Prods,
technorati: Seth Godin, Socks, Purple Cow, ERE, Jobster
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