Friday, May 12, 2006

The Blogging Kennedy Conference!

Well, it wasn't really all about blogging, but there was mucho blog talk going on at the Kennedy Conference...and it was terrific.

Big - big, thanks to the man of, Jason Davis, for the invitation to join the "Corporate Blogging" panel. Jason was kind enough to extend the panel invitation, and he still picked up the ticket for our meal together at The Palm. They do not come any more real than this guy.

Although I felt kind of like the butler eating at the Prime Minister's table, this group of blogging guru's was kind enough to let me weigh-in on the subject. Gracious you are - thank you Jason, Steven Rothberg, John Sumser, and Jim Durbin. I hope I can share a table again soon with each of you.

The speaker's list was a Who's Who:

Jason Warner - you rock, coffee-man. And, it was worth the wait - the video was hilarious
Joel Cheesman - dude, I swear, you know everything. Can I be your apprentice?
David Heenan - the IQ level blew threw the roof when Heenan walked through the doors. I nearly finished his book, Flight Capital, on the return trip and want more.
Paul Forster - Indeed, he's a smart cookie.
Tony Lee - excellent moderator; yes, a definite SME.
Jim Pappas - ok, Jim, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this blogging thing. But I do confess, you've got some of the best ideas in the recruiting industry.
Shally - this guy is the Madonna of recruiting. It's Shally, just Shally.
Peter Weddle - the man holds court.

The speaker list goes on - but time didn't allow for attendance at every session. I'll get 'em next time.

Final thanks to the Kennedy team - first class stuff.

Dennis Smith
T-Mobile Recruiting


Joel Cheesman said...

If only my wife agreed with you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dennis! It was great having you at the conference. I'm happy you had a good experience. We hope to see you at our next event, if not before!

Matt Lyons

Gautam Ghosh said...

damn !

when will you all come to India for a conference?
