Thursday, August 02, 2012

Can Big Data Cut Through Your Resume Pile?

Or, said another way, can it eliminate your need for an amazing recruiter on your team?
Maybe.  But it could also make for a really cool marriage.

Meaning, big data isn't just a cool concept we're anticipating in the future.  It is the future.  And if you  haven't already read Glen Cathey's take on big data, you should.

But I do also believe in the power of the amazing recruiter.  And when you marry the amazing recruiter with the big data, you've got a match made in heaven that will help you find your "matches made in heaven" to an even greater degree.

Big data is the big deal.  But so is the company (or hiring manager) who doesn't know what they want.  And as different as are the companies for which we recruit, so are their intricate cultures - and their needs - and the employees who will ultimately make them even more successful.

Go big data, go.  But find an amazing recruiter who runs alongside the data with equal parts passion and skill and you'll be a recruiting force that continues to kick butts and take names.

Check out Fortune's article (Can Big Data Cut Through the Resume Pile) - HERE.  Then boogie back to and make sure you understand Glen's take on big data.  Even if you're head isn't fully around the concept, it will make you smarter in your next interview.

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