Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Top Job Search Challenges

An article in the latest issue of RecruitingTrends.com references the contant challenges and frustrations of jobseekers.

The articles references a recent study jointly published by Kennedy Information, the Bureau of National Affairs, and Monster Intelligence. The resulting data suggest that...

"...job descriptions themselves may be single-handedly fueling the lion's share
of top talent's frustration."
Having seen my share of poorly written job descriptions, I can understand the frustration jobseekers might feel with regard to job-fit related challenges.

Check out the full Data Watch article to get a clear picture of the takeaway this info provides for recruiters and hiring organizations alike (click HERE).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's impossible to disagree there're so many stresses when looking for a job. But it looks hardly possible to solve these problems.