Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sr. Technical Recruiter Available (Dallas, TX)

During my tenure at Samsung, I had the priviledge of working with one of the most experienced technical recruiters that I've ever met. He stayed with us for about a year at Samsung before joining Texas Instruments to take on a major recruiting project they had in the works.

I just talked with my buddy this morning, and it looks like he's finally wrapping up his project at TI and is searching out his next contract opportunity.

If you have a need for an excellent technical recruiter with first-class customer skills, send me an email. This is a freebie - I'm just looking to pay it forward to a recruiter that I strongly respect.

So here's a shout-out to all the recruiters in the Dallas metro-area! Shoot me an email and I'll put you in touch with one of my recruiting mentors. The rest will be up to you.


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