Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Top 25 most influential authorities on the topic of business blogging

I'm sure it was just an oversight. I mean, surely they meant to include talentbloggers, right? Well, no. I guess that would be on the list that includes the top 2.5 million business blogs.

But, hey, it's a good read anyway.

If you are blogging in the business world, you're most likely familiar with the top 10....but could you correctly guess even five of the remaining fifteen sites that made the list?

I think there's a few here that you'll want to add to your bloglines feed.

Debbie Weil's BlogWrite for CEO's came in at #8, and her blog pointed me in the direction of the list.

Dennis, talentblogger


Anonymous said...

Aw, Dennis, does that mean you're not going to count Recruiting.com's 2005 Blog awards as an indicator of top talentbloggers?

Dennis Smith said...

Hey Glenn! A timely reminder, thank you.....I think I need to do a rewrite!