Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Good News for Job Seekers

Be sure to read Durbin's blog about "How to Get a Job." Because according to the WSJ (today's edition, B1), it's looking good for job-seekers...

"Job-Seekers from rank-and-file workers to senior executives are preparing their resumes for what may be the strongest fall hiring season in years."
According to the WSJ, the national unemployment rate, at 5%, is at the lowest level since September 2001; job searches are becoming shorter and job changes are becoming more frequent.

They offer a few things to consider before you make the leap:

1) Check vesting schedules for stock options, 401(k) matches.
2) Extend your health-insurance using Cobra, if not immediately covered by your new plan.
3) Check profit-sharing contribution date.
4) Decide about a 401(k) rollover: choose between new 401(k) and IRA.
5) Spend the money in your flexible-spending account.

Ok, this is all kind of no-brainer stuff, but it's a quick list of practical things to review before you fly.

Now, follow Durbin's advice and when you get that coveted interview, nail it to the wall.

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