Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pure Genius: #HRCarnival 2010

Big thanks to Bill "RecruitingBrains" Boorman (@BillBoorman) for taking the lead on #HRCarnival 2010!

Bill's posting 10 videos/day for 5 days highlighting recruiters and their thoughts about recruiting in 2010. I've watched all the vids from the first two days and here's my two takeaways:

1) Wow. There's a lot of smart recruiters leading the way. I'm big-time excited about 2010 (for me personally) but also for the incredible community that's happening from a worldwide perspective.

2) And wow, it's great to be the recruiter.

Need to catch up on the greatness? Day 1 videos: Here | Day 2 videos: Here

Keep track of the good times @ The Recruiting Unblog

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