Monday, February 02, 2009

Denny's Great Ad and Grand Slam Boo Boo

Bear with me for a first glance, this doesn't appear to have a thing to do with technology.  And yet....Denny's just learned a lesson in hi-tech (the hard way).

If you are prepared to offer everybody in the U.S. a free grand slam breakfast and you advertise it during the SuperBowl, be darn sure that your website can support the traffic.

I'm down for the free breakfast.  Nice job, Denny's.  And, nice SuperBowl ad.
Bad, bad Internet strategy (source:

By the way, read the fine print on the ad (at the bottom of this page), and you'll see one Denny's in Baker, CA that's not going to offer up the free grub.  Don't you sorta feel bad for the all the fine folks in Baker?

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