Friday, November 21, 2008

40 Great Resources for Making Lists (via Mashable)

My life is slightly out of control right now. Since launching a few months ago, I've been doing thirteen things at once and trying to hold it all together with glue that's still in the process of drying.

One thing that has to be firmed up: my ability to better track my 'to-do's' - my lists - my action items - my needs - my wants - my call-backs - my everything.

So here's a timely post that applies to me, and most likely, a few of you.

Doriano Carta (from Mashable fame) posted 40 Great Resources for Making Lists

Since you'll most likely be running with your hair on fire through December 31st, check out Doriano's mobile and web-based tools to help you wrap-up the things you need to check off your list....HERE.

Good luck.

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