Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Why Do You Blog?

In prep for the next blogging panel at Recruiting2007 ( Blogging from "Guerrilla" Marketing to Mainstream Recruiting), we panel members (Dave, Steve Levy, Gretchen Ledgard, Shally and I) contacted a few bloggers and asked for input on the following blog-related questions:

~ Why do you blog?
~What do you prefer to blog about?
~Where do you receive your inspiration from?
~Who do you write your blog for?
~How much has blogging impacted your company's recruiting brand?
~When do you find the time to blog?
Shally posted his answers HERE. Good schtuff.

Interested in weighing in on the subject?

I've already received answers from Harry, Gautam, and Steven....(thanks much, men!).

How 'bout you, blogger?


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