Friday, September 01, 2006

Job Seekers: Networking is a 4 Letter Word

Write 'em down, chew 'em up, and swallow 'em. Scott Ginsberg offers up 51 Thoughts on Networking.

You can read all 51 here. Check out his top 10 below:

1. The Federal Bureau of Labor did a study a few years back indicating that 70% of all new business comes from some form of networking. I think it’s higher.

2. So, no matter where you go – the Mall, church, out to dinner, the gym – you better have at least five business cards with you.

3. And be able to give an UNFORGETTABLE personal introduction in 10 seconds, 30 seconds and 6o seconds.

4. When someone on the phone says, “May I ask who’s calling?” get excited. Say something unique that makes that person say, “Um, okay…please hold.” Be unexpected. Be cool. Be memorable.

5. Get Google alerts on yourself, your company, your area of expertise and your competition. If you don’t know what a Google alert is, just Google it.

6. Networking isn’t selling, marketing or cold calling. It’s the development and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships. Don’t mix those things up.

7. The most important four letters in the word NETWORKING are W-O-R-K, because that’s exactly what it takes.

8. If you give your business card to somebody and they don’t reply, “Hey, cool card!” get a new card. (Thank you, Jeffrey Gitomer.)

9. When attending networking events, come early. Check out the nametags. See if you know anybody, or find people you’d like to meet.

10. Sit in the back so you can scan the room for specific people you’d like to connect with.

Dennis Smith
T-Mobile Recruiting

technorati: networking, job search, job seeker

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