Monday, May 22, 2006

Sidekick II: The Doctor's Order

When it’s a life-or-death situation, what would be your phone of choice?

For two characters on the hit ABC TV show Grey’s Anatomy, the answer is the T-Mobile Sidekick II.

The Sidekick made two appearances on Grey’s this week during the two-part season finale.
On Sunday night, intern Izzie (played by Katherine Heigl, uses her Sidekick during a call from Dr. Burke (Isaiah Washington), who is picking up a heart for a transplant.

Monday night, as the chief of surgery’s niece is admitted to the fictitious Seattle Grace Hospital, her frantic prom date, Brian, is seen making a call on his Sidekick.

Grey’s was the top-rated program both nights, drawing 22.3 million viewers Sunday and 22.2 million Monday.

Wow - those stats are almost as hot as the stats for my blog (tongue place firmly in cheek)!

Think my stats would go up if I could give away a free Sidekick II once a week?

Dennis Smith
T-Mobile Recruiting

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