Remember when IKEA started posting its job openings in handwritten ads scribbled on the walls of men's and women's restrooms? In four days, they received 60 applications - four or five times the normal newspaper ad response.
Well, now somebody else is stinkin' up the advertising arena with ads about...restrooms. The visual here is great. A bathroom stall with a door that is boarded-up and locked.
Leo Burnett Lisbon created the campaign for Kellogg's All-Bran Plus Cereal. The campaign is complete with promotion stickers showing the locked bathroom stall and text explaining the benefits of eating Kellogg's All-Bran cereal.
Too cool.
What else to do in the restroom while taking care of "business" except read. And, while passing...uh, time, you might as well make the connection with a locked door and the possibility of being blocked up (direct fiber-related pun).
Great job, LBL. The only thing you missed was the opportunity to insert a link at the bottom of the ad directing readers to the Kellogg's job site.
HT: Adrants
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