Yes, yes, tongue-in-cheek. I do not have A-lister-envy. Well, let me rethink that one.....
Do I read 'em? The A-listers? Soitnly. Many of them are noted on my Technorati favorites.
Do I link to them so people will think I'm smart? No. They are there because I really do like to read 'em.
Did I add a few of them to my Technorati Faves because I think one of them might notice and link to me? Sure. And it's worked. Almost all of the top 100 blogs have linked to me at one time or another. No, I'm just kidding - but I'll admit, it was kind of fun just pretending for a sec.
There's mucho good advice to be found on those blogs that have climbed the proverbial blog hill (or is it, Hamburger Hill). But, soitnly, we all have preferences. That's why T-rati is currently tracking 29.6 million sites and 2.1 billion links - because some times you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't.
Am I always pleased with those "highly recommended" blogs that have been quick to find their way to the address line of my browser? No. But again, it goes to preferences. However, there are times when I find myself thinking, "Geez, is there something wrong with me? Am I the only one who couldn't give a rat's-behind for this blog?"
Since I am tired, I don't think it would be wise to air my dirty laundry (especially since I'm the self-proclaimed winner of the "Messiest Dirty Clothes Hamper" award for the year 2005).
And so, I choose the high-blog-road. And since I'm feeling quite dignified about my choice of roads (must be the sleep depravity), I'm going to pass on a recommendation that came straight from an A-lister...His Rubelness. And I'm going to use Steve's words:
I am going to say this again. Subscribe to this blog.
And, what, pray tell, is the blog of note? Click here to find out. Well, if you are too lazy to click, I'll just tell
Thoughful ideas - fun read. Especially his post called:
10/90 And The Rule of the Reallies.
Now...I've done my duty. I've passed on a recommendation (yes, one that would be absolutely meaningless without the name of Steve Rubels sufficiently attached).
And I can't wait to view the stat's on Monday and see if Newsome's 10/90 rule has become my new mantra.
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